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Homework 3 114B due Monday October 14, 2002:

1. Consider the equation for a damped string


The string is initially held at rest with the shape tex2html_wrap_inline17 . Also the ends of the string are fastened at x=0 and x=l, so that y(x=0,t)=y(x=l,t)=0. Calculate y(x,t). Don't worry too much about expressing your final answer in terms of real functions, as this will vary over the values of parameters V and tex2html_wrap_inline29 chosen. But please comment on the analogy of this problem to overdamped and underdamped motion, and the regimes where each kind of motion will occur.

Boas Chapter 13:

2.10, 2.11, 2.16, 3.7, 4.5, 5.9

In addition, in problem 2.10 find the exact value for T(5,5) using symmetry, and ideas from problems 2.11 and 2.16. Your answer should not be an infinite series.

Joshua Deutsch