Wed Mar 22 19:39:55 PST 2006 Each of the three tarballs in this directory relate to the Lorenz Equations and their solutions. 1. mklorenz will create a datafile consisting of lines of numbers. Each line has three numbers, the values of X, Y and Z for a particular point that is a solution of the Lorenz Equations. Such a file may then be used to display, using a supplied Gnuplot script, an image of the Lorenz Attractor. The three-dimensional attractor may be imaged in a Gnuplot window, where it may be viewed from any desired angle using the mouse, or may be output to a PostScript file for printing (viewed from only one chosen angle, of course). You will need to have Gnuplot installed on your machine to view the images. There are versions of Gnuplot available for free for Windows. 2. lorenz is an interactive program that will work on any machine that has "xterm", which means any UNIX-like machine, or a Windows machine that has Cygwin installed. The real-time solution to the Lorenz Equations is displayed in the "tek" window of the xterm. While the program is running, the user may change the value of the Rayleigh parameter, or the viewing angle, or may input any desired starting point. 3. sonify will create, from a datafile produced by mklorenz (for example), an output file "datafile.mup", from which, using the excellent program "mup" (music publisher---normally used for creating scores), a MIDI file "datafile.mid" may be created. sonify maps the values of X, Y and Z onto musical sixteenth notes whose pitches span a four-ocatave interval, with higher note pitches corresponding to higher values of X, Y and Z. The X-values are played by an organ, the Y-values by an oboe, and the Z-values by a glockenspiel. The MIDI file may then be played using a MIDI file player such as timidity. You will need mup installed to make sense of sonify; it can be obtained from (It is shareware [$29] but is also available for free trial.) To compile and intall any of these programs on your linux/unix system, the three commands ./configure make make install (as root) will install it in /usr/local on your machine. If you want to install in the directory /whatever change "configure" to "configure --prefix=/whatever" For the "lorenz" program to run correctly, you will need to ensure that the line Xterm.Tek4014.ginTerminator: CRonly is present in your .Xresources file. (The usual default is "none" instead of "CRonly".) Further information on each of the programs is contained in the "README" file included in the associated distribution. If you have comments or suggestions for any of these programs, feel free to send me a note. Peter Scott