#!/usr/local/bin/gnuplot-v4.4.3 #OR #!/usr/bin/gnuplot set terminal postscript color dashed enhanced portrait 'Bold-Times-Roman' #If you specify a font size above, the font may not work on some computers. set encoding iso_8859_1 #Enables symbols, like Angstroms set size 0.80,0.40 #Feel free to change the y-size, but leave x-size <1 set output 'multiplot.eps' #FOR CUSTOM LINESTYLES set style line 1 lt 2 lw 3 lc rgb "red" set style line 2 lt 3 lw 3 lc rgb "dark-green" set style line 3 lt 4 lw 3 lc rgb "blue" set style line 4 lt 5 lw 3 lc rgb "orange" set style line 5 lt 6 lw 3 lc rgb "dark-magenta" #FOR PLOTTING FITS: #plot 'file.dat' every 3 lt 3 pt 2 lw 2 with points ###FOR PLOTTING MULTIPLE GRAPHS: set multiplot set tmargin 1 set bmargin 2 set rmargin 2 set lmargin 8 set size 0.8, 0.20 set key samplen 1.5 set ytics 0.5 set mytics 2 set xtics 2 set mxtics 2 #Top Plot set label 1 "a)" at -3.7,0.7 font "Bold-Times-Roman,20" set origin 0.0,0.19 set format x "" #Removes all numbers from the x-axis set ylabel "FFT[k{/Symbol c}(k)]" offset 1,0 font "Bold-Times-Roman,18" set xrange[-4:4] plot \ -sin(x) title '-Sin (x)' ls 1,\ cos(x) title 'Cos (x)' ls 2 #Bottom Plot set origin 0.0,0.03 set format x set xlabel "r ({\305})" offset 0,0.0 font "Bold-Times-Roman,18" set ylabel "FFT[k{/Symbol c}(k)]" offset -0.4,0 font "Bold-Times-Roman,18" unset label 1 set label 1 "b)" at -3.7,7.0 font "Bold-Times-Roman,20" #Same label number causes it to replace. set yrange [-10:10] set ytics 5 plot \ tan(x) title 'Tan(x)' ls 3 #unset multiplot #If you'd like to plot multiple files in the same script.