Sriram Shastry
Distinguished Professor of PhysicsUniversity of California
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
(831) 459 5849 (O)
(831) 459 3043 (Fax)
sriram [at]
Extremely Correlated Fermi Liquids
(With Comments)
Current Research Interests
- Explaining the anomalous line shapes in angle resolved photoemission experiments of High Tc systems using the theory of Extremely Correlated Fermi Liquids.
- Theoretical description of systems with Extreme Correlations : Theory of the Extremely Correlated Fermi Liquid
- Parameter dependent finite dimensional matrices and quantum integrability.
- Theory of the Thermo-power and Thermal transport in correlated materials.
- Superconductivity, Hall effect in Strongly Correlated matter.
- Novel material realizations of frustrated quantum systems in low dimensions e.g. Two dimensional Antiferromagnets Insulating SrCu2(BO3)2 and Metallic TmB4; their magnetization plateaux and anomalous magneto-resistance.
- Exactly Solvable Model Systems, Quantum Integrability and star triangle relations,
Sunset in Santa Cruz.

(Nov-Dec 2010, Sriram )
Further pictures of sunsets in Santa Cruz by Sriram. (Copyright Reserved)